
Final piece (and final touches!) + Displaying the game

After finishing the board and seeing how everything looks together, I decided to print a cover for my game board in the shape of a pyramid (as a protection method) Here's my initial design. I was inspired by some elements already present on the game board!  Final version! (the hyeroglypics spell out Anubis' name, the main character of my game)   To conclude, me and my friend Emma did a final play test to make sure everything works the way it should and I'm happy to say it was a success!!! For displaying my show I received help from my tutors. We wanted to make the board look like there's people actually playing the game therefore we placed the game pieces onto the board and scattered the playing cards on the table as well. To finish up I also created a leaflet that explains the rules of the game and also bought a simple pouch to hold all my elements together (seen in the picture below)  On the wall we decided to print out the game design on a big...

Developing the game board design

After deciding what I wanted to do with my project and decided my target audience, I started looking at different types of games suitable for children age 9-12 such as:  As a result of my research, I came to the conclusion that I wanted my game to have an educational side therefore I used a few games such as 'Snakes and Ladders', - and 'The Cottage of Content' as inspiration for the game board. I also wanted to include a 'life lesson' or 'life journey' aspect so I was inspired by 'The Game of Life' as well! Snakes and Ladders: "The game is a simple race contest based on sheer luck, and is popular with young children.  The historic version had root in morality lessons, where a player's progression up the board represented a life journey complicated by virtues (ladders) and vices (snakes)." (Source: Wikipedia) Game of Life: "The game simulates a person's travels through his or her life, from  college  to  r...

The journey to the final piece

After concluding my research on all aspects of Ancient Egyptian life, multiple ideas popped up in my mind regarding the final piece. My first idea was to create an artist book that could include hand made objects and illustrations surrounding the life of a Pharaoh (with items similar to what an ancient tomb would include) Here are a few sketches from my digital 'sketchbook' where I compiled all of my ideas: After a few meetings with my teachers, I came to the conclusion that my initial idea would be too ambitious, therefore I decided to focus on only one aspect of my plan: the gameboard! Here's the initial sketch: To continue my research I started looking at pop up books and books aimed at children (egyptian themed) to find more inspiration: Egypt Magnified  Gods and Heroes: Also pop up books about Egypt! I attempted to do a pop up pyramid following this tutorial:  (didn't g...