Final piece (and final touches!) + Displaying the game

After finishing the board and seeing how everything looks together, I decided to print a cover for my game board in the shape of a pyramid (as a protection method)
Here's my initial design. I was inspired by some elements already present on the game board!
 Final version! (the hyeroglypics spell out Anubis' name, the main character of my game)
 To conclude, me and my friend Emma did a final play test to make sure everything works the way it should and I'm happy to say it was a success!!!

For displaying my show I received help from my tutors. We wanted to make the board look like there's people actually playing the game therefore we placed the game pieces onto the board and scattered the playing cards on the table as well. To finish up I also created a leaflet that explains the rules of the game and also bought a simple pouch to hold all my elements together (seen in the picture below) 

On the wall we decided to print out the game design on a bigger scale and also a few other A2 posters to surround it. I picked a few of my illustrations of Egyptian Goddesses for the posters and I also created a couple of promotional style posters:

Here's some pictures of the whole display!

  To conclude, this past year has been very interesting and filled with emotions. Looking back I'm glad I decided to go in this direction with my project and I'm happy with how everything turned out. There's always room for improvement and I wish I could change a few choices I made but overall I'm excited to share my project with everyone. I'm inviting everyone to play my game and attempt to reach the Afterlife!! :)
